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624 results for institution: Lafayette College (LAF) - page 15 of 32
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of microscopy. Blackwell Scientific 0022-2720
Journal of natural products. American Society of Pharmacognosy 0163-3864
Journal of offshore mechanics and Arctic engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0892-7219
Journal of performance of constructed facilities. American Society of Civil Engineers 0887-3828
Journal of pressure vessel technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0094-9930
Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice. American Society of Civil Engineers 1052-3928
Journal of quality technology. American Society for Quality Control 0022-4065
Journal of social philosophy. 0047-2786
Journal of social philosophy. Journal of Social Philosophy
Journal of structural engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers 0733-9445
Journal of surveying engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers 0733-9453
Journal of testing and evaluation. American Society for Testing and Materials 0090-3973
Journal of the American Judicature Society. American Judicature Society
Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The Association 0004-5756
Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0044-7951
Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0090-3914
Journal of the Hydraulics Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0044-796X
Journal of the Structural Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0044-8001
Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0569-8073
Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division. American Society of Civil Engineers, Publications Office 0145-0743
624 results for institution: Lafayette College (LAF) - page 15 of 32