Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division.

  • Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Print ISSN: 0090-3914
  • Electronic ISSN: 2690-2435
  • OCLC Number: 1785174
  • Subject: Environmental engineering Periodicals.
  • Subject code: T
  • Publication history: v. 99-108; Feb. 1973-Dec. 1982.

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
Five College Repository (MAFCI) EAST v.99 (1973)-v.108 (1982) 20310630
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL v.99; v.99 1973; v.100; v.100 no.1-3 1974; v.100 no.4-6; v.100 no.4-6 1974; v.101; v.101 1975; v.102; v.102 no.1-3 1976; v.102 no.4-6 1976; v.103; v.103 no.1-3 1977; v.103 no.4-6 1977; v.104; v.104 no.1-3 1978; v.104 no.4-6 1978; v.105; v.105 1979; v.106; v.106 1980; v.106 no.1-3; v.106 no.4-6; v.107; v.107 1981; v.107 no.1-3; v.107 no.4-6; v.108; v.108 no.1-5; v.108 no.1-3 1982; v.108 no.4-6 1982; v.108 no.6 permanent
Lafayette College (LAF) EAST v.107 - v.108:no.2-6 (1982-1982) 20310630
Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology (LHL) Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology v.99-v.108 (1973-1982)
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MBLWHOI) (MBW) EAST v.99-108(1973-1982) 20310630
North Carolina State University (NRC) Scholars Trust v.99(1973)-v.108(1982) 20351231
Stanford Libraries Shared Print in Place (STF) WEST, WEST Bronze v.99(1973)-v.108(1982) 20351231
University of Florida (FUG) Florida Academic Repository (FLARE), Scholars Trust v.99(1973)-v.108(1982) 20351231
University of Saskatchewan Library (UOH) COPPUL SPAN v.99-v.108 (1973-1982) 20381231
Washington Research Library Consortium (CAO) Scholars Trust, WRLC v.99 (1973)-v.108 (1982) 20351231

Digital Holdings

Program Holdings Description
CLOCKSS v.101 (1975); v.104-v.106 (1978-1980); v.108 (1982)