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624 results for institution: Lafayette College (LAF) - page 17 of 32
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Lafayette miscellany Class of 1876
Lafayette report.
Language dissertations. The Linguistic Society of America
Larus. Translated and published for the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., by the NOLIT Publishing House 0350-7416
Lasers. M. Dekker 0075-8035
Le Débat. Gallimard 0246-2346
Le Marquis. [Lafayette College]
Lincoln Centennial Association papers / The Association
Lippincott's magazine. J.B. Lippincott and Co.
Literary and theological review. D. Appleton & Co.
Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch. Duncker & Humblot [etc.] 0075-997X
Littell's living age. [T.H. Carter & Co.]
Little star. Little Star 2151-8637
Machine design. Penton/IPC, etc 0024-9114
Malacologia. Institute of Malacology 0076-2997
Marquis. [Students of Lafayette College]
Medieval India : Oxford University Press
Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. M'Carty and Davis
Mental hygiene. National Association for Mental Health, inc 0025-9683
Metallurgical & chemical engineering. Electrochemical Pub. Co. 0361-2694
624 results for institution: Lafayette College (LAF) - page 17 of 32