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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 55 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International journal of urban and regional research. E. Arnold 0309-1317
International mathematics research notices : IMRN. Duke University Press 1073-7928
International philosophical bibliography = Editions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université catholique de Louvain 2033-6497
International political science abstracts / International Political Science Association [and] International Studies Conference = Documentation politique internationale / Association internationale de science politique [et] Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales. Basil Blackwell ; Presses Universitaires de France 0020-8345
International political sociology. Published on behalf of the International Studies Association by Blackwell 1749-5679
International relations / Technology Press
International review of connective tissue research. Academic Press 0074-767X
International review of experimental pathology. Academic Press 0074-7718
International review of history and political science. "Review" Publications 0020-8574
International review of law and economics. Butterworths 0144-8188
International social movement research. JAI Press 1043-1365
International social work. Mrs. C. Dave 0020-8728
International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics : O E C D
International trade. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Intervention in school and clinic. PRO-ED 1053-4512
Inverse problems. Institute of Physics 0266-5611
IRAL, International review of applied linguistics in language teaching. Revue internationale de linguistique appliquée enseignement des langues. Internationale Zeitschrift für angewandte Linguistik in der Spracherziehung. J. Groos 0019-042X
IRE transactions on electron devices. Institute of Radio Engineers 0096-2430
IRE transactions on electronic computers. Institute of Radio Engineers 0367-9950
IRE transactions on engineering management. Professional Group on Engineering Management 0096-2252
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 55 of 136