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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 53 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Integrated education. Center for Equal Education, School of Education, University of Massachusetts, etc 0020-4862
Intellectual and developmental disabilities : American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 1934-9491
Inter-American affairs. Columbia University Press
Inter-American music review. R. Stevenson 0195-6655
Interactions. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. 1072-5520
Interferon. Academic Press 0276-1076
Interiors. Whitney Pub. Co. 0020-5516
International bibliography of anthropology = Routledge
International bibliography of economics / prepared by the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (Paris) with the assistance of the International Economic Association and the International Committee for Social Science Documentation = Bibliographie internationale de science économique / établie par la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (Paris) avec le concours de l'Association internationale des sciences économiques et du Comité international pour la documentation des sciences sociales. UNESCO 0085-204X
International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. Librairie Armand Colin 0074-2015
International bibliography of social and cultural anthropology / prepared by the International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation in co-operation with the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences = Bibliographie internationale d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle / établie par le Comité international pour la documentation des sciences sociales avec le concours du Congrès international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques. UNESCO 0085-2074
International bibliography of theatre / sponsored by the American Society for Theatre Research, and the International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts in cooperation with the International Federation for Theatre Research. Theatre Research Data Center, Brooklyn College, City University of New York ; Distributed by the Publishing Center for Cultural Resources 0882-9446
International development review. Society for International Development 0020-6555
International environmental affairs. University Press of New England for the Trustees of Dartmouth College 1041-4665
International journal for numerical methods in engineering. Wiley [etc.] 0029-5981
International journal for parasitology. Pergamon Press 0020-7519
International journal of advertising. Holt, Rinehart and Winston 0265-0487
International journal of chemical kinetics. Wiley 0538-8066
International journal of climatology : a journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Wiley 0899-8418
International journal of computer & information sciences. Plenum Press 0091-7036
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 53 of 136