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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 54 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International journal of engineering science. Pergamon Press 0020-7225
International journal of fracture mechanics. Noordhoff 0020-7268
International journal of fracture. Kluwer Academic [etc.] 0376-9429
International journal of human-computer studies. Academic Press 1071-5819
International journal of industrial organization. North-Holland 0167-7187
International journal of man-machine studies. Academic Press 0020-7373
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology. Wiley & Sons 0020-739X
International journal of non-linear mechanics. Pergamon Press 0020-7462
International journal of parallel programming. Plenum Press 0885-7458
International journal of protein research. Munksgaard 0020-7551
International journal of psychiatry. Science House, etc 0020-756X
International journal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. J. Aronson [etc.] 0146-356X
International journal of psychology / International Union of Psychological Science = Journal international de psychologie / Union internationale de psychologie scientifique. Dunod 0020-7594
International journal of quantum chemistry. Wiley 0161-3642
International journal of religious education. Dept. of Educational Development, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. 0146-7697
International journal of solids and structures. Pergamon Press 0020-7683
International journal of sport psychology : official journal of the International Society of Sports Psychology. Pozzi 0047-0767
International journal of the sociology of language. Mouton 0165-2516
International journal of the sociology of law. Academic Press 0194-6595
International journal of theoretical physics. Plenum Press 0020-7748
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 54 of 136