Search Results

2708 results for facility: Boston University Mugar Memorial Library - page 64 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of modern Italian studies Routledge 1354-571X
Journal of molecular and cellular immunology : JMCI. Springer-Verlag 0724-6803
Journal of moral education. Carfax Pub. Co. [etc.] 0305-7240
Journal of motor behavior. HELDREF Publications, etc 0022-2895
Journal of multicultural counseling and development. Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development 0883-8534
Journal of natural products. American Society of Pharmacognosy 0163-3864
Journal of nervous and mental disease. Williams & Wilkins [etc.] 0022-3018
Journal of neurocytology. Chapman and Hall 0300-4864
Journal of neuroscience methods. Elsevier/North-Holland 0165-0270
Journal of non-white concerns in personnel and guidance. American Personnel and Guidance Association 0090-5461
Journal of nutrition education. Decker [etc.] 0022-3182
Journal of object-oriented programming. SIGS Publications 0896-8438
Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : Lippincott 0884-2175
Journal of occupational psychology. British Psychological Society [etc.] 0305-8107
Journal of offshore mechanics and Arctic engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0892-7219
Journal of optimization theory and applications. Plenum Pub. Corp 0022-3239
Journal of organic chemistry of the USSR. Consultants Bureau Enterprises 0022-3271
Journal of organometallic chemistry. Elsevier Sequoia 0022-328X
Journal of parallel and distributed computing. Academic Press 0743-7315
Journal of pathology and bacteriology. Oliver and Boyd Ltd. 0368-3494
2708 results for facility: Boston University Mugar Memorial Library - page 64 of 136