Search Results

37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 3 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
14th century English mystics newsletter. Saint Ambrose College 0737-5840
1616 : anuario de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Ediciones Cátedra 0210-7287
17th and 18th century theatre research. Loyola University
19th century music. University of California Press 0148-2076
1st-5th interim report of the Illinois emergency relief commission, April 15, 1932-Sept. 30, 1933.
20/1 : twentieth-century art & culture. School of Art & Design, The University of Illinois at Chicago 1056-6880
2004-2005 Federal student financial aid handbook. U.S. Dept. of Education
20th century studies. Faculty of Humanities of the University of Kent at Canterbury 0041-4638
365 : AIGA year in design. American Institute of Graphic Arts : Available through DAP/Distributed Art Publishers 2154-9192
3C on-line : a quarterly publication of the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Computing at Community Colleges. The Association 1078-2192
4-H. Cooperative Extension Programs, University of Wisconsin--Extension
4S review : journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science. The Society 0738-0526
7 arts. Permabooks
9H. 9H 0144-7726
A Basic book collection for elementary grades. American Library Association
A Bem da língua portuguesa. Sociedade de Língua Portuguesa
A bibliography for the TVA program.
A Bibliography of noise. Whitson Pub. Co. 0092-5756
A Bibliography of periodical literature in musicology and allied fields American Council of Learned Societies
A bibliography of University of Michigan reports and publications on highway safety since the establishment of the Highway Safety Research Institute, December 17, 1965.
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 3 of 1892