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1079 results for yearArchived: 2007 - page 41 of 54
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Round table reader. American Public Welfare Association
Rōdō shijō nenpō
Rōnen shakai kagaku = San Eijingu 0388-2446
Rules of racing / [The Commission?]
Rumah tangga, bangunan fisik, dan penggunaan bangunan sensus di Kotamadya Pekalongan : Kantor Statistik Kotamadya Pekalongan
Rural economic survey of Nigeria.
Russland und die Sowjetunion im deutschsprachigen Schrifftum. in Kommission bei Otto Harrassowitz
Rutgers University studies in geography. Rutgers University Press
Saito Ho-on Kai Museum research bulletin. Saito Ho-on Kai (Saito Gratitude Foundation) 0375-1821
Salaries and tenure of instructional faculty in institutions of higher education. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Education Division, National Center for Education Statistics :
San Carlos publications. University of San Carlos
Saturday review of education. Saturday Review, inc 0091-8555
Saturday review of the sciences. Saturday Review Co. 0091-8547
Sbornik trudov / Institut 0453-7920
Schedule of prices for such works as may be ordered in the maintenance, alteration, additions, etc. of Government buildings in the Colony of Hong Kong.
School of Librarianship : The University
Schriften ...
Schriften der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Philosophische Klasse, Sektion Philologie. Weidmann 0417-2116
Schriften. Justus Liebig Universität
1079 results for yearArchived: 2007 - page 41 of 54