Search Results

3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 75 of 198
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Jewish studies quarterly : JSQ. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 0944-5706
JMR, Journal of marketing research. American Marketing Association 0022-2437
Journal 1550-0349
Journal Beechcroft Books 1466-0938
Journal / American Water Works Association. The Association 0003-150X
Journal / the Thirties Society. The Society 0265-2625
Journal / Water Pollution Control Federation. The Federation 0043-1303
Journal de la Société des américanistes. [Société des américanistes] 0037-9174
Journal des voyages, découvertes et navigations modernes ou Archives géographiques du XIXe siècle ... Colnet : 1245-9658
Journal for early modern cultural studies : JEMCS. Global Publications, Binghampton University, State University of New York 1531-0485
Journal for East European management studies Rainer Hampp Verlag 0949-6181
Journal for general philosophy of science = Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. Kluwer Academic Publishers 0925-4560
Journal for research in mathematics education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 0021-8251
Journal for research in mathematics education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 0883-9530
Journal for the scientific study of religion. Blackwell Publishing [etc.] 0021-8294
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman period. E. J. Brill 0047-2212
Journal for the study of Paul and his letters. Eisenbrauns 2159-2063
Journal for the study of radicalism Michigan State University Press 1930-1189
Journal for the study of religion : JSR. Association for the Study of Religion (Southern Africa) 1011-7601
Journal of accounting research. Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago ; 0021-8456
3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 75 of 198