Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
AMA, Agricultural mechanization in Asia |
Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp |
845841 |
AMA, Agricultural mechanization in Asia. |
Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp |
0084-5841 |
Amaru : revista de artes y ciencias. |
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería |
0002-6778 |
Ambio. |
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ; Universitetsforlaget] [distributor] |
0044-7447 |
Ambit. |
Camden Printing |
0002-6972 |
Ambix. |
Taylor and Francis |
0002-6980 |
Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association |
Alliance Communications Group |
1530-1567 |
Amerasia journal. |
0044-7471 |
América en cifras / Unión Panamericana, Departamento de Estadística ; Instituto Interamericano de Estadística, Secretaría General. |
Union Panamericana, Secretaria General de la Organizacion de los Estados Americanos |
0065-6771 |
América negra. |
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana |
0121-5914 |
America's new foundations. |
Taft Group |
1048-4965 |
America's newest foundations : |
Taft Group |
American advocate of peace. |
W. Watson, for the Connecticut Peace Society |
2159-5062 |
American annals of the deaf and dumb. |
Brown & Parsons |
0093-1284 |
American annals of the deaf. |
Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf |
0002-726X |
American anthropologist. |
American Anthropological Association, etc |
0002-7294 |
American antiquity. |
Society for American Archaeology |
0002-7316 |
American archeology. |
Atechiston, Inc. |
0740-8358 |
American architects directory. |
R.R. Bowker Co. |
0065-695X |
American art / National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. |
Published by Oxford University Press in association with the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution |
1073-9300 |