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2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 27 of 138
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Brassey's Mershon American defense annual. Mershon Center, the Ohio State University ; Brassey's 1088-0429
Bravo defence. Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, Directorate Strategic Change 1705-902X
Brazilian defence directory. Aviação em Revista Editora
British defence policy. Produced for the Ministry of Defence by Mason Clark McKenna Ltd.
British Egg Marketing Board symposium. Oliver & Boyd 0068-1962
Brookhaven symposia in biology. Associates Universities, inc 0068-2799
Broşür. Kenan Basimevi
Brown University papers. The University
Buckeye guard. [Adjutant General's Public Affairs Office]
Building practice note. National Research Council Canada, Division of Building Research 0701-5216
BULLETIN - DIVISION OF RESEARCH, COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES, LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY. Division of Research, College of Life Sciences, Louisiana Tech University 0273-0871
Bulletin - Engineering Experiment Station. Engineering Experiment Station 0097-5273
Bulletin - Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology. Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada 0097-191X
Bulletin - North Dakota Research Foundation. North Dakota Research Foundation 0097-4994
Bulletin - Philippines Division. Philippines Division
Bulletin - State of Idaho, Division of Veterans Affairs. Division of Veterans Affairs 0364-0310
Bulletin - Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Yale University 0361-4425
Bulletin - Yale University, School of Forestry. Yale University, School of Forestry 0097-2592
Bulletin ... Govt. Print. Off.
Bulletin / Center for the Study of Intelligence
2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 27 of 138