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1815 results for subjectCode: QK - page 4 of 91
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Adaptat︠s︡ii︠a︡ fiziologo-biokhimicheskikh sistem rastenii︠a︡ k peremene osveshchenii︠a︡ / Zinatne
Addisonia : colored illustrations and popular descriptions of plants. New York Botanical Garden 0732-1678
Advances in botanical research. Academic Press 0065-2296
Advances in bryology. J. Cramer 0253-6226
Advances in legume systematics. Royal Botanic Gardens
Advances in plant nutrition. Praeger 0743-8931
Advances in plant sciences research. International Book Distributors 0971-6386
Advances in plant sciences. Academy of Plant Sciences, India 0970-3586
Advances in pollen-spore research. Published under the auspices of the East Asian Palynological Association by To-day and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers 0376-480X
Advancing frontiers of plant sciences. Impex India [etc.] 0065-3543
Agrociencia. Colegio de Postgraduados 0188-302X
Albertoa. [Herbário Alberto Castellanos (GUA)] 0103-4944
Algological studies. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1864-1318
Aliso. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 0065-6275
Allertonia. Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden 0735-8032
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie ... G. Braun
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie etc. J.J. Reiff 0938-2275
Alpine gardening. Alpine Garden Society 0952-8598
Amatores herbarii. Societas Herbaria Orientali-Asiatica
American fern journal. American Fern Society 0002-8444
1815 results for subjectCode: QK - page 4 of 91