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2128 results for subjectCode: QD - page 55 of 107
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of organometallic chemistry. Elsevier Sequoia 0022-328X
Journal of photoacoustics. Marcel Dekker 0278-2901
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. Elsevier Sequoia 1010-6030
Journal of photochemistry. Elsevier Sequoia
Journal of photochemistry. Elsevier Sequoia 0047-2670
Journal of photopolymer science and technology = [Fotoporimā Konwakai shi] Technical Association of Photopolymers, Japan 0914-9244
Journal of physical & colloid chemistry. Williams & Wilkins Co. 0092-7023
Journal of physical chemistry. American Chemical Society 1932-7447
Journal of physical chemistry. [s.n.] 0092-7325
Journal of physical organic chemistry. J. Wiley 0894-3230
Journal of planar chromatography--modern TLC : JPC. Hüthig 0933-4173
Journal of polymer materials. Oxford & IBH Pub. Co. 0970-0838
Journal of polymer research Polymer Society, Taipei 1022-9760
Journal of polymer science. Interscience Publishers 0022-3832
Journal of polymer science. Interscience Publishers 0449-296X
Journal of polymer science. Interscience Publishers 0449-2978
Journal of polymer science. Interscience Publishers 0449-2951
Journal of polymer science. Wiley 0887-624X
Journal of polymer science. Interscience Publishers 0449-2986
Journal of polymer science. Wiley 0887-6266
2128 results for subjectCode: QD - page 55 of 107