Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Accredited schools, officers, committees / |
The Association |
ACDA bulletin. |
United Nations Asian Centre for Development Administration |
Aceh dalam angka. |
Acequias / |
Centro de Difusión Editorial, Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón |
Acerías Paz del Río, S.A. : |
Acerías Paz del Río, S.A. |
Achawa [serial] : |
In Commission bei Oskar Leiner |
Achievement. |
World Trade Magazines Ltd., etc |
0001-4907 |
Achievements of the Community Development Program for the fiscal year ... |
Research and Evaluation Division, Community Development Dept |
Achieving quality and continuous improvement through self-evaluation and peer review : |
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business |
Achieving supply chain excellence through technology. |
Montgomery Research |
ACIJ research review. |
African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica |
0258-0586 |
Acindar : |
Acindar |
Acindar : |
Acindar |
ACLI life insurance fact book / American Council of Life Insurance |
American Council of Life Insurance |
1553-8435 |
ACM transactions on information systems : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. |
The Association |
1046-8188 |
ACM transactions on office information systems : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. |
The Association |
0734-2047 |
Acompanhamento conjuntural. |
0100-3712 |
Acompanhamento conjuntural. |
Companhia Brasileira de Alimentos |
0100-6517 |
Acompanhamento conjuntural/grãos / |
0100-6479 |
Acompanhamento do setor mineral baiano. |
Governo do Estado da Bahia, Secretaria da Indústria, Comércio e Mineração, Superintendência de Indústria e Mineração, SIM, Coordenação de Mineração, COMIN |