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49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 2432 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Your city light news. City Light Employees' Association
Youth bulletin. Govt. of India, Ministry of Education and Culture
Youth chronicle. Students' Information Centre
Youth leaders digest. Youth Service
Youth life. All India Youth Federation
Youth review. Information Dept. of the USSR Embassy in India
Youth times.
Youth's cabinet. [s.n.]
Yōgakṣēmapañcāṅgaṃ. Pañcāṅgaṃ Prass
Yōgyō Kyōkai shi = Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan. Dō Kyōkai 0009-0255
Yōjana. Intiyāgavaṇment̲int̲e Pabḷikkēṣans Diviṣin
Yōran - Kokuritsu Kōshū Eiseiin. Kokuritsu Kōshū Eiseiin
Yōsetsu Gakkai ronbunshū = Quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society Dō Gakkai 0288-4771
Yōsetsu Gakkai shi. Dō Gakkai 0021-4787
Yōsetsu gijutsu. Kabushiki Kaisha Sanpō 0387-0197
Yōsha = Nihon Yōsha Kyōkai 0916-6076
Yōsha gijutsu. Nihon Yōsha Kyōkai 0289-422X
Yōshoku Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku = Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture. Suisanchō Yōshoku Kenkyūjo 0389-5858
Yōthā sān = Samākhom Witsawakammasathān hǣng Prathēt Thai nai Phrabō̜romrāchup̄atham
Yōyūen = Denki Kagaku Kyōkai, Yōyūen Iinkai 0387-138X
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 2432 of 2471