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49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 2414 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
World focus. H.S. Chhabra
World forum. United Nations Association of Singapore
World guide to libraries. K.G. Saur 0936-0085
World health : published for the non-technical reader by the World Health Organization. Division of Public Information 0043-8502
World history, studies by Soviet scholars. "Social Sciences Today" Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences
World index of scientific translations and list of translations notified to ETC. European Translations Centre 0304-0755
World index of scientific translations and list of translations notified to the International Translations Centre. International Translations Centre 0376-6381
World Islamic times. G.N. Malik
World list of future international meetings. Reference Dept., Library of Congress
World meetings outside United States and Canada. TMIS 0043-8677
World Muslim gazetteer. Umma Publishing House 0084-2060
World of mining : GDMB Medienverlag 1613-2408
World oil. Gulf Pub. Co. 0043-8790
World order. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States 0043-8804
World outlook. A. S. Watkins, etc 0190-4345
World population year bulletin. World Federation of United Nations Associations
World ports. J.C. Broderick 0043-888X
World ports. s.n.
World premieres : International Theatre Institute
World progress. Standard Educational Corp 0043-8901
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 2414 of 2471