Search Results

1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 27 of 58
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of criminal justice. Pergamon Press 0047-2352
Journal of criminal law and criminology : official organ of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology Northwestern University Press 0885-2731
Journal of cross-cultural psychology. Sage Publications 0022-0221
Journal of cuneiform studies. American Schools of Oriental Research 0022-0256
Journal of dairy science. 0022-0302
Journal of design history. Oxford University Press 0952-4649
Journal of developmental reading. Dept. of English, Purdue University 0731-3667
Journal of differential equations. Academic Press 0022-0396
Journal of drug issues. Journal of Drug Issues 0022-0426
Journal of economic behavior & organization. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0167-2681
Journal of educational psychology. American Psychological Association [etc.] 0022-0663
Journal of educational technology systems. Baywood Pub. Co. 0047-2395
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry Elsevier Sequoia 1572-6657
Journal of electron microscopy technique. Alan R. Liss 0741-0581
Journal of electronmicroscopy. Society of Electron-Microscopy, Japan 0022-0744
Journal of energy resources technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0195-0738
Journal of engineering education / American Society for Engineering Education. The Society 1069-4730
Journal of engineering for industry. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0022-0817
Journal of environmental health. National Environmental Health Association, etc 0022-0892
Journal of environmental management. Academic Press 0301-4797
1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 27 of 58