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2119 results for ncopies: 7 - page 98 of 106
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The journal of the College & University Personnel Association. College and University Personnel Association 0010-0935
The Journal of the Polynesian Society. Polynesian Society 0032-4000
The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. The Society 0035-9106
The Journal of the Walters Art Museum. Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery 1946-0988
The Journal of transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Institute, etc 0022-524X
The Journal of transport history. University College of Leicester 0022-5266
The Journal of value inquiry. Kluwer Academic Publishers [etc.] 0022-5363
The journals of gerontology. Gerontological Society of America 1079-5006
The journals of gerontology. Gerontological Society of America 1079-5014
The jurist. School of Canon Law, the Catholic University of America 0022-6858
The Langston Hughes review : official publication of the Langston Hughes Society. Afro-American Studies Program, Brown University 0737-0555
The Literary review. Fairleigh Dickinson University 0024-4589
The Little magazine. 0033-6300
The Living bird. Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University 0459-6137
The Locke newsletter. R. Hall 0307-2606
The London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science. Taylor & Francis 1941-5982
The Maine register and national calendar for the year ... D.C. Stanwood
The Malayan economic review : the journal of the Economic Society of Singapore, the Department of Economics and Statistics and the Economic Research Centre of the University of Singapore. Economic Research Centre, University of Singapore 0047-5599
The Massachusetts historical review. Massachusetts Historical Society 1526-3894
The Michigan historical review. Published by the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University in cooperation with the Historical Society of Michigan 0890-1686
2119 results for ncopies: 7 - page 98 of 106