Search Results

2119 results for ncopies: 7 - page 10 of 106
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Antike Welt. Raggi-Verlag 0003-570X
Antipode. Basil Blackwell, [etc.] 0066-4812
Antipodes : a North American journal of Australian literature : the publication of the American Association of Australian Literary Studies The Association 0893-5580
Antitrust bulletin. Federal Legal Publications 0003-603X
Antiviral research. Elsevier/North-Holland 0166-3542
Antropologica. La Sociedad 0003-6110
Anuario bibliográfico peruano. [Editorial Lumen]
Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz. P. Parey 0340-7330
Appetite. Academic Press 0195-6663
Applicable algebra in engineering, communication and computing. Springer-International 0938-1279
Applied & preventive psychology : journal of the American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology. Cambridge University Press 0962-1849
Applied and computational harmonic analysis. Academic Press 1063-5203
Applied artificial intelligence : AAI. Hemisphere Pub. Co. 0883-9514
Applied catalysis. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. 0166-9834
Applied catalysis. Elsevier 0926-860X
Applied catalysis. Elsevier 0926-3373
Applied energy. Applied Science Publishers 0306-2619
Applied geochemistry : journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry. Pergamon Press 0883-2927
Applied geography. Butterworths 0143-6228
Applied linguistics. Oxford University Press 0142-6001
2119 results for ncopies: 7 - page 10 of 106