Search Results

53979 results for ncopies: 2 - page 4 of 2699
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A checklist of American imprints for ... Scarecrow Press 0361-7920
A chronicle of human rights in the USSR. Khronika Press
A chronological list of atomic energy conferences, meetings, training courses / International Atomic Energy Agency
A cirurgia no Sanatório São Lucas.
A collection of papers read before the Bucks County Historical Society. Published for the Society by B.F. Fackenthal, Jr.
A compendium of university entrance requirements for first degree courses in the United Kingdom. Association of Commonwealth Universities 0571-625X
A compilation of Federal education laws / U.S. G.P.O.
A Comprehensive bibliography on operations research. John Wiley & Sons
A Crianca portuguesa
A decade of court decisions on teacher retirement / National Education Association of the United States
A defesa nacional. Defesa Nacional 0011-7641
A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Government oriental manuscripts library, Madras. Government Press
A Digest of the election law reports. Published under the authority of the Election Commission of India by the Controller of Publications, Civil Lines
A Directory of American fiction writers. Poets & Writers
A Directory of American poets and fiction writers. Poets & Writers, Inc. 0734-0605
A Directory of American poets. Poets and Writers
A Directory of Canadian plays and playwrights / Playwrights Co-op. Playwrights Co-op 0707-5456
A Directory of computerized data files U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service 0738-4610
A Directory of dealers in secondhand and antiquarian books in the British Isles. Sheppard Press 0070-5411
A Directory of women in philosophy. Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University 0148-3277
53979 results for ncopies: 2 - page 4 of 2699