Search Results

4726 results for institution: Stanford Libraries Shared Print in Place (STF) - page 46 of 237
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Computational statistics quarterly : CSQ. Physica-Verlag 0723-712X
Computational statistics. Physica-Verlag 0943-4062
Computer design's electronic systems technology & design. PennWell 1524-1238
Computer design. Computer Design Pub. Corp 0010-4566
Computer graphics and image processing. Academic Press 0146-664X
Computer graphics proceedings, annual conference series : SIGGRAPH ... conference proceedings / sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics. The Group 1069-529X
Computer graphics world. Cygnus Publications 0271-4159
Computer graphics. [Cygnus Communications] 0162-3273
Computer language. CL Publications 0749-2839
Computer personnel. Association for Computing Machinery 0160-2497
Computer physics communications. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0010-4655
Computer physics reports. Elsevier Science Pub. B.V. (North-Holland Physics Pub. Division) 0167-7977
Computer speech & language. Academic Press 0885-2308
Computer vision and image understanding : CVIU. Academic Press 1077-3142
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing. Academic Press 0734-189X
Computers & electronics. Ziff-Davis Pub. Co. 0745-1458
Computers & geosciences. Pergamon Press 0098-3004
Computers & mathematics with applications Pergamon Press 0097-4943
Computers & mathematics with applications. Pergamon Press 0886-9561
Computers & mathematics with applications. Pergamon Press 0898-1221
4726 results for institution: Stanford Libraries Shared Print in Place (STF) - page 46 of 237