Search Results

513 results for institution: University of Saskatchewan Library (UOH) - page 14 of 26
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Royal Agricultural Society of England [etc.] 0080-4134
Journal of urban health : Oxford University Press for the New York Academy of Medicine 1099-3460
Journal of veterinary behavior : clinical applications and research : official journal of : Australian Veterinary Behaviour Interest Group, International Working Dog Breeding Association Elsevier 1558-7878
Journal of virology. American Society for Microbiology 0022-538X
Journal of wildlife diseases. [Wildlife Disease Association] 0090-3558
Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. C.F. Winter'sche
Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. Verlag Chemie 0075-4617
Key indicators / Asian Development Bank
Key indicators for Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank
Key indicators of developing Asian and Pacific countries. Asian Development Bank 0969-4838
Kyklos; internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften. A. Francke AG. 0023-5962
L'Esprit créateur. L'Esprit créateur. 0014-0767
L'Evolution psychiatrique Privat, Éditeur [etc.] 0014-3855
La revue du notariat / rédigée avec la collaboration des notaires et sous la haute direction de la Chambre des notaires de la Province de Québec La Chambre 0035-2632
Labor history. Tamiment Institute 0023-656X
Landscape ecology. SPB Academic Pub. 0921-2973
Language learning journal : journal of the Association for Language Learning. The Association 0957-1736
Law now. Legal Resource Centre, University of Alberta 0841-2626
Learning and instruction : the journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Pergamon Press 0959-4752
Library administration & management. Library Administration and Management Association 0888-4463
513 results for institution: University of Saskatchewan Library (UOH) - page 14 of 26