Search Results

513 results for institution: University of Saskatchewan Library (UOH) - page 13 of 26
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of neurophysiology. American Physiological Society [etc.] 0022-3077
Journal of organizational excellence. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1531-1864
Journal of personality and social psychology. American Psychological Association 0022-3514
Journal of personality. Duke University Press 0022-3506
Journal of professional issues in engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers 0733-9380
Journal of psychiatric research. Pergamon Press 0022-3956
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer. Pergamon Press 0022-4073
Journal of rehabilitation. National Rehabilitation Association 0022-4154
Journal of retailing. New York University, Institute of Retail Management [etc.] 0022-4359
Journal of Soviet mathematics. Consultants Bureau 0090-4104
Journal of statistical physics. Plenum Press 0022-4715
Journal of supramolecular structure. Alan R. Liss., inc 0091-7419
Journal of swine health and production. American Association of Swine Veterinarians 1537-209X
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. The Society 0003-021X
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Published for the Australian Mathematical Society by Jerusalem Academic Press 0334-3316
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. J. Wright and Sons 0263-6115
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. The Society 1446-7887
Journal of the early Republic. Society for Historians of the Early American Republic 0275-1275
Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. E.J. Brill 0022-4995
Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0090-3914
513 results for institution: University of Saskatchewan Library (UOH) - page 13 of 26