Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Quantum Dokumentation / |
Klett-Cotta |
Quarterly digest of colonial statistics. |
H.M.S.O. |
Quarterly economic review of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea / EIU, The Economist Intelligence Unit. |
0266-9749 |
Quarterly economic review of Gabon, Congo, Cameroon, C.A.E., Chad, Madagascar. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
Quarterly economic review of Gabon, Congo, Cameroon, C.A.R., Chad, Equatorial Guinea. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
Quarterly economic review of Gabon, Congo, Cameroon, C.A.R., Chad. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
0142-405X |
Quarterly economic review of Gabon, Congo, Cameroun, C.A.R., Chad, Madagascar. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
Quarterly economic review of Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Niger, Upper Volta. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
0142-4513 |
Quarterly economic review of Ivory Coast. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
0266-9765 |
Quarterly economic review of Middle East oil and the Arabian Peninsula. |
Economist Intelligence Unit |
Quarterly economic review of Norway. |
Economist Intelligence Unit |
0142-3908 |
Quarterly economic review of Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Guinea. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
0142-3991 |
Quarterly economic review of Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
0266-9684 |
Quarterly economic review [of] Egypt (UAR), Libya, Sudan. |
Economist Intelligence Unit |
Quarterly economic review. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
Quarterly economic review. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |
Quarterly economic review. |
Economist Intelligence Unit |
Quarterly economic review. |
Economist Intelligence Unit |
Quarterly economic review. |
Economist Intelligence Unit |
Quarterly economic review. |
Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. |