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49 results for institution: Hofstra University (ZIH) - page 3 of 3
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
South African labour bulletin. Institute for Industrial Education 0377-5429
TESOL matters. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. 1051-8886
The ALAN review. Assembly on Literature for Adolescents, National Council of Teachers of English 0882-2840
The American journal of forensic psychology. s.n. 0733-1290
The American journal of science. J.D. & E.S. Dana 0002-9599
The Investment dealers' digest. IDD, inc 0021-0080
The local area network magazine : LAN. Telecom Library 0898-0012
The Nabokovian. Vladimir Nabokov Society 0894-7120
TMA journal. Treasury Management Association 1080-1162
49 results for institution: Hofstra University (ZIH) - page 3 of 3