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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 87 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Peasant studies newsletter. University of Pittsburgh, Dept. of History 0162-203X
Peasant studies. University of Utah 0149-1547
People. International Planned Parenthood Federation 0301-5645
Perceptual and motor skills research exchange. Dept. of Psychology, University of Louisville 0885-6524
Performance. New York Performance Foundation 0006-1883
Personality and individual differences. Pergamon 0191-8869
Personnel administration and public personnel review. Society for Personnel Administration and the Public Personnel Association 0885-6591
Perspectives in ethology. Plenum Press 0738-4394
Perspectives in psychiatric care. Nursing Publications, inc 0031-5990
Perspectives in religious studies. Association of Baptist Professors of Religion 0093-531X
Perspectives in structural chemistry. J. Wiley & Sons 0079-1059
Perspectives in virology. Raven Press [etc.] 0072-9086
Perspectives on political science. Heldref Publications 1045-7097
Perspectives on the history of higher education. Transaction Publishers 1948-6812
Petroleum geology. Petroleum Geology [etc.] 0553-8882
Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere Springer-Verlag 0365-267X
Pflüger's Archiv : European journal of physiology. Springer-Verlag 0031-6768
Pharmacological reviews. Williams and Wilkins Co. 0031-6997
Philosophia : Ex officina Societatis "Philosophiae"
Philosophia mathematica. Adams Press 0031-8019
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 87 of 136