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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 84 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Nutrition today. Nutrition Today, inc., etc 0029-666X
Ocean development and international law journal. Crane, Russak & Co. 0883-4873
Ocean development and international law. Crane, Russak & Co. 0090-8320
Odu. University of Ifẹ Press 0029-8522
Odyssey review. Latin American and European Literary Society 0473-789X
Ohio archæological and historical publications. Published for the Society by F.J. Heer 0148-7809
Old-time New England. Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities 0030-2031
Omega : Greenwood Periodicals 0030-2228
Omni. Omni Publications International 0149-8711
Once a week. Bradbury and Evans
Onearth : environment, politics, people. Natural Resources Defense Council 1537-4246
OOPS messenger : a quarterly publication of the Special Interest Group on Progamming Languages. ACM Press 1055-6400
Operations research/management science. Executive Sciences Institute 0030-3658
Oppositions. Rizzoli [etc.] 0094-5676
Optical information systems. Meckler Pub. 0886-5809
Optics communications. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0030-4018
Opus. Historical Times, Inc. 8750-488X
Oral tradition. Slavica Publishers 0883-5365
Organic analysis. Interscience Publishers 0078-6101
Organic letters. American Chemical Society 1523-7060
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 84 of 136