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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 24 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Chain store age. Lebhar-Friedman Inc. 1087-0601
Chaos. American Institute of Physics 1054-1500
Chemical abstracts. American Chemical Society 0009-2258
Chemical engineering science. Pergamon Press 0009-2509
Chemical geology. Elsevier 0009-2541
Chemical innovation. American Chemical Society 1527-4799
Chemical senses. Oxford University Press [etc.] 0379-864X
Chemie der Erde : Beiträge zur chemischen Mineralogie, Petrographie und Geologie. Gustav Fischer 0009-2819
Chemische Berichte/Recueil VCH 1434-2421
Chemisches Zentralblatt. Akademie-Verlag [etc.]
Chemistry & biology. Current Biology Ltd. 1074-5521
Chemistry and biochemistry of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. M. Dekker 0069-3111
Chemistry and physics of carbon. M. Dekker [etc 0069-3138
Chemistry and physics of lipids. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0009-3084
Chemistry letters. Chemical Society of Japan 0366-7022
Chemistry world. Royal Society of Chemistry 1473-7604
Child personality & psychopathology: Current topics. John Wiley & Sons 0093-2175
Children's literature in education. Agathon Press, etc 0045-6713
Chilton's I & C S : the industrial and process control magazine. Chilton 0746-2395
Chinese education. M. E. Sharpe 0009-4560
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 24 of 136