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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 16 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Augustinian studies. Villanova University Press 0094-5323
Australian journal of French studies. Monash University [etc.] 0004-9468
Australian journal of physics. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0004-9506
Australian journal of scientific research. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0365-3676
Australian journal of zoology. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0004-959X
AUTOMOBILE FACTS AND FIGURES. National Automobile Chamber of Commerce 0067-253X
Automotive engineering international. SAE International 1543-849X
Automotive engineering. Society of Automotive Engineers 0098-2571
Autrement. Association Autrement 0336-5816
AV market place. R.R. Bowker 1044-0445
Aviation space and environmental medicine. Aerospace Medical Association 0095-6562
Bach-Jahrbuch / im Auftrag der Neuen Bachgesellschaft. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 0084-7682
Balkan studies. The Institute 0005-4313
Ball State University forum. [Ball State University] 0005-433X
Bank management / Bank Administration Institute. The Institute 1049-1775
Baseball history. Meckler 1047-3521
Beethoven-Jahrbuch. Beethovenhaus 0522-5949
Behavior today. ATCOM 0005-7924
Behavioral assessment. Pergamon Press 0191-5401
Behavioral ecology. Oxford University Press 1045-2249
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 16 of 136