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2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 116 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Business quarterly. Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario [etc.] 0007-6996
The Cambridge journal. Bowes & Bowes
The Canadian geographer. Géographe canadien. Published for the Canadian Association of Geographers by the University of Toronto Press 0008-3658
The Canadian journal of chemical engineering. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 0008-4034
The Canadian modern language review = la revue canadienne des langues vivantes. Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association 0008-4506
The Canadian who's who. University of Toronto Press 0068-9963
The Capital source. National Journal 0898-6916
The Catholic charities review. National Conference of Catholic Charities 0008-7963
The Central African examiner. 0577-0408
The Central nervous system and behavior : [Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation]
The Charioteer. Parnassos, Greek Cultural Society of New York 0577-5574
The chartered mechanical engineer : The Institution 0306-9532
The Chinese economy : translations and studies. M.E. Sharpe 1097-1475
The Chinese repository. Printed for the proprietors
The Christian disciple Cummings and Hillard 1946-1364
The chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania. Loyola University Press 0730-7349
The Civil liberties review. J. Wiley 0093-6383
The Clinical psychologist. Pergamon Journals 0009-9244
The Coevolution quarterly. Whole earth catalog 0095-134X
The College Board review. College Entrance Examination Board 0010-0951
2708 results for institution: Boston University (BOS) - page 116 of 136