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3609 results for institution: Five College Repository (MAFCI) - page 8 of 181
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American art / National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Published by Oxford University Press in association with the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution 1073-9300
American Bar Association journal. American Bar Association 0002-7596
American book collector. Moretus Press 0196-5654
American book prices current. Bancroft-Parkman [etc.] 0091-9357
American Ceramic Society bulletin. The Society 0002-7812
American cinematographer. ASC Holding Corp 0002-7928
American classical review. City University of New York 0044-7633
American craft. American Craft Council 0194-8008
American Economic Association quarterly. The Association 1532-5059
American foundations and their fields. American Foundations Information Service
American gymnasia and athletic record. American Gymnasia Co.
American history. Meckler Pub. 0748-6731
American industry in war time. Industrial Economist Pub. Co.
American Jewish Archives. 0002-905X
American journal of art therapy. Vermont College of Norwich University [etc.] 0007-4764
American journal of community psychology. Springer 0091-0562
American journal of diseases of children / AMA. American Medical Association 0002-922X
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. C.V. Mosby Co. 0002-9378
American journal of ophthalmology. Ophthalmic Pub. Co. 0002-9394
American journal of psychoanalysis. Human Sciences Press 0002-9548
3609 results for institution: Five College Repository (MAFCI) - page 8 of 181