Search Results

1141 results for institution: Duke University Library (NDD) - page 48 of 58
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Science progress (1916) John Murray 2059-495X
Science progress in the twentieth century. 2059-4941
Science progress. John Murray 0036-8504
Science tools. LKb-Produkter Fabriksaktiebolag 0036-8598
Science. [s.n.] 0036-8075
Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. The Institute 0020-3092
SciQuest. American Chemical Society 0190-597X
Selective electrode reviews. Pergamon 0894-3923
Semiconductors and insulators. Gordon and Breach 0309-5991
Separation and purification methods. M. Dekker 0360-2540
Separation science and technology. M. Dekker 0149-6395
Separation science. M. Dekker 0037-2366
Siberian chemistry journal. Consultants Bureau 0583-1768
Sibley's Harvard graduates. Harvard University Press
Silicon, germanium, tin, and lead compounds. Scientific Publications Division, Freund Pub. House 0334-7575
SLA biennial salary survey / Special Libraries Association. The Association 1089-5116
Social development in Pakistan. Social Policy and Development Centre
Social science computer review. Duke University Press 0894-4393
Solid state sciences. Elsevier 1293-2558
Solvent extraction and ion exchange. M. Dekker 0736-6299
1141 results for institution: Duke University Library (NDD) - page 48 of 58