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1642 results for institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NOC) - page 67 of 83
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Štatistická ročenka Slovenskej republiky = Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky
Taeckholmia. O. Koeltz 0171-3558
Tax policy and the economy. NBER and MIT Press Journals 0892-8649
Taxon. International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature 0040-0262
Teaching sociology. American Sociological Association, [etc.] 0092-055X
Technology and culture. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 0040-165X
TESOL quarterly / Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. TESOL 0039-8322
Text & talk. Mouton de Gruyter 1860-7330
Text. Mouton Publishers 0165-4888
The Academy of Management executive. The Academy 0896-3789
The Academy of Management executive. Academy of Management 1079-5545
The Academy of Management review. Academy of Management 0363-7425
The Accounting review. American Accounting Association 0001-4826
The Affinities of nations. Peace Research Institute-Dundas
The American biology teacher. National Association of Biology Teachers 0002-7685
The American Catholic sociological review. American Catholic Sociological Society 0362-515X
The American economic review. American Economic Association 0002-8282
The American journal of economics and sociology. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, inc 0002-9246
The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures University of Chicago Press 1062-0516
The American journal of sociology. University of Chicago Press 0002-9602
1642 results for institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NOC) - page 67 of 83