Search Results

1642 results for institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NOC) - page 64 of 83
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Sociology of religion. Association for the Sociology of Religion 1069-4404
Sociometry. American Sociological Association 0038-0431
Software: practice & experience. Wiley Interscience [etc.] 0038-0644
Soil biology & biochemistry. Pergamon Press 0038-0717
Soil Science Society of America journal. Soil Science Society of America 0361-5995
Solar physics. D. Reidel Pub. Co. 0038-0938
Solid state communications. Pergamon Press 0038-1098
Solid state ionics. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0167-2738
Solid-state electronics. Pergamon Press 0038-1101
Sources of serials. R.R. Bowker 0000-0523
Southeastern naturalist Humboldt Field Research Institute 1528-7092
Southern economic journal. Southern Economic Association 0038-4038
Southwestern journal of anthropology. University of New Mexico [etc.] 0038-4801
Soviet journal of coordination chemistry. Consultants Bureau 0364-4626
Sōrui = The bulletin of Japanese Society of Phycology. Nihon Sōrui Gakkai 0038-1578
Space science reviews. D. Reidel Pub. Co. 0038-6308
Spectrochimica acta reviews. Pergamon Press 0958-319X
Spectrochimica acta. Elsevier [etc.] 0584-8547
Spectrochimica acta. Julius Springer 0371-1951
Spectrochimica acta. Pergamon 1386-1425
1642 results for institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NOC) - page 64 of 83