Search Results

4354 results for institution: Emory University (EMU) - page 38 of 218
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Applicable analysis. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0003-6811
Applications of electricity to railways / The Bureau
Applied animal behaviour science. Elsevier 0168-1591
Applied anthropology. Society for Applied Anthropology 0093-2914
Applied economics letters. Chapman & Hall 1350-4851
Applied economics. Chapman and Hall [etc.] 0003-6846
Applied financial economics. Chapman and Hall 0960-3107
Applied mathematical modelling. Butterworths [etc.] 0307-904X
Applied mathematics and computation. Elsevier [etc.] 0096-3003
Applied mathematics letters. Pergamon Press 0893-9659
Applied mathematics series / National Bureau of Standards : 1049-4685
Applied physics letters. American Institute of Physics 0003-6951
Applied psycholinguistics. Cambridge University Press 0142-7164
Applied psychological measurement. Applied Psychological Measurement, Inc. 0146-6216
Applied science & technology index. H. W. Wilson Co. [etc.] 0003-6986
Applied spectroscopy. Society for Applied Spectroscopy 0003-7028
Applied surface science. New York] : North-Holland 0169-4332
Appropriations, budget estimates, etc. : U.S. G.P.O.
Appropriations, estimates, etc. : G.P.O.
Appropriations, new offices, etc. G.P.O.
4354 results for institution: Emory University (EMU) - page 38 of 218