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4354 results for institution: Emory University (EMU) - page 215 of 218
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Russian journal of general chemistry. Plenum Pub. Corp 1070-3632
Russian journal of inorganic chemistry. British Library Lending Division with the cooperation of the Royal Society of Chemistry 0036-0236
Salaries / prepared by the ACS Office of Manpower Studies. American Chemical Society 1043-0598
Science. [s.n.] 0036-8075
Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science 0193-4511
Scientific American. Munn & Co. 0036-8733
Selected technical papers : Celanese Research Co.
Separation science and technology. M. Dekker 0149-6395
Sigma Xi quarterly. Society of the Sigma Xi 0096-977X
South African theatre journal : SATJ. South African Theatre Journal 1013-7548
Spectrochimica acta. Elsevier [etc.] 0584-8547
Spectrochimica acta. Pergamon 1386-1425
Spectroscopic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Chemical Society 0584-8555
Standard & Poor's emerging stock markets factbook. Standard & Poor's 1530-678X
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater American Public Health Association 8755-3546
Steroids. Butterworth-Heinemann [etc.] 0039-128X
Structure and bonding. Springer-Verlag 0081-5993
Surface science. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0039-6028
Synlett. Georg Thieme Verlag ; Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. 0936-5214
Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic, metal-organic, and nano-metal chemistry. Taylor & Francis 1553-3174
4354 results for institution: Emory University (EMU) - page 215 of 218