Search Results

4354 results for institution: Emory University (EMU) - page 13 of 218
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
African studies review. African Studies Association [etc.] 0002-0206
African studies. Witwatersrand University Press 0002-0184
Afrique contemporaine. Documentation française 0002-0478
Afro-Americans in New York life and history. [Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier] 0364-2437
Afro-Hispanic review : publication of the Afro-Hispanic Institute. The Institute 0278-8969
Afterall. Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design 1465-4253
Afterimage. Visual Studies Workshop 0300-7472
Agenda. Poets' and Painters' Press 0002-0796
Aggregates of polls, property, taxes, &c., as assessed ... William White
Aging & mental health Carfax, Taylor & Francis 1360-7863
Agni. Agni Review 1046-218X
Agricultural economics : the journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. Elsevier 0169-5150
Agricultural education;
Agricultural history. Published for the Agricultural History Society by the University of California Press [etc.] 0002-1482
Agriculture and human values. [Humanities and Agriculture Program, Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics in the Professions, University of Florida] 0889-048X
AHA directory of affiliated societies. American Historical Association
AI magazine. American Association for Artificial Intelligence 0738-4602
AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers 0001-1541
Aids for teachers series. Historical Association 0568-3319
AIDS information sourcebook. Oryx Press 1044-2138
4354 results for institution: Emory University (EMU) - page 13 of 218