Search Results

2708 results for facility: Boston University Mugar Memorial Library - page 73 of 136
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Lick Observatory bulletins. Lick Observatory, University of California, etc 0075-9317
Life sciences and space research. Akademie-Verlag 0075-9422
Lighting dimensions. Lighting Dimensions Associates, etc 0191-541X
Linear & multilinear algebra. Gordon and Breach 0308-1087
Linguistic analysis. American Elsevier Pub. Co. 0098-9053
Linguistic bibliography for the year ... and supplement for the years ... / Permanent International Committee of Linguists. Spectrum 0378-4592
Linguistic bibliography for the years ... / Spectrum
Listening. Listening, inc 0024-4414
Literacy research and instruction. Taylor and Francis 1938-8071
Literatur und Kritik. O. Müller 0024-466X
Literature of liberty. Cato Institute 0161-7303
Lithopinion. Local One, Amalgamated Lithographers of America 0024-4910
Livres et auteurs québécois. Presses de l'Université Laval 0316-2621
Logos : J.C.B. Mohr
Long range planning. Pergamon Press 0024-6301
Lotus international. Industrie grafiche editoriali 1124-9064
Lotus. Alfieri 0076-101X
Lutherjahrbuch. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht [etc.] 0342-0914
Machine design. Penton/IPC, etc 0024-9114
Machine learning. Kluwer Academic Publishers 0885-6125
2708 results for facility: Boston University Mugar Memorial Library - page 73 of 136