Search Results

1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 33 of 68
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1340-8046
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1344-7653
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1340-8054
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0914-8809
Katharine Asher Engel lectures. Smith College 0075-5265
Keio business review. Society of Business and Commerce, Keio University 0453-4557
Key engineering materials. Trans Tech Publications 1013-9826
Kierkegaardiana. Munksgaard 0075-6032
Kinetics and catalysis. Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0023-1584
Kodai mathematical seminar reports. Dept. of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology 0023-2599
Korea briefing. Westview Press 1053-4806
Kōdai mathematical journal. Kinokuniya Book-Store 0386-5991
Kroeber Anthropological Society papers. 0023-4869
L'Architettura. ETAS 0003-8830
L'Infini. Editions Denoël 0754-023X
L'Information littéraire. J.-B. Baillière et fils 0020-0123
La lettre clandestine. Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne 1242-3912
Landscape. s.n. 0023-8023
Language quarterly / The Division
Language quarterly. University of South Florida 0458-7359
1342 results for facility: Rice University Library Service Center - page 33 of 68