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3609 results for facility: Five College Library Repository Collection - page 151 of 181
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Banker. Financial News Ltd. 0005-5395
The Bay State oologist.
The Bee keepers' advance. [James B. Mason]
The Bee-keepers advance and poultrymen's journal. [James B. Mason]
The bibliographer. Elliot Stock
The Bilingual review. La Revista bilingue. Arizona State University [etc.] 0094-5366
The biologist. Phi Sigma Society 0006-3339
The Black law journal. Published in cooperation with the UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies, etc 0045-2181
The Bodleian library record. Bodleian Library 0067-9488
The Booklist / American Library Association. The Association 0006-7385
The Bookworm : Elliot Stock
The Boston medical and surgical journal Cupples, Upham & Co 0096-6762
The Bowker annual of library and book trade information / sponsored by the Council of National Library Associations. R.R. Bowker 0068-0540
The British journal for the history of science. British Society for the History of Science 0007-0874
The British journal for the philosophy of science. T. Nelson and Sons 0007-0882
The British journal of cancer / H.K. Lewis and Co. 0007-0920
The British journal of psychology. Cambridge University Press 0373-2460
The British journal of psychology. University Press 0950-5652
The British national bibliography. British Library, Bibliographic Services Division 0007-1544
The British studies monitor. Anglo-American Associates 0007-1846
3609 results for facility: Five College Library Repository Collection - page 151 of 181