Search Results

5633 results for facility: Indiana University Auxiliary Library Facility - page 251 of 282
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The anatomical record. Wiley-Liss 1552-4906
The Annals and magazine of natural history. Taylor and Francis, Ltd. 0374-5481
The Annals of regional science. Springer-Verlag 0570-1864
The ANZIAM journal : Australian Mathematical Society, Mathematics Dept., Australian National University 1446-1811
The Art book : International Pub. Review Ltd. 1368-6267
The Artificial intelligence review. Blackwell Scientific Publications 0269-2821
The astronomical almanac for the year ... U.S. G.P.O. ; H.M.S.O. 0737-6421
The Astronomical journal. American Institute of Physics 0004-6256
The Astronomy and astrophysics review. Springer International 0935-4956
The Astronomy quarterly. Pergamon Press 0364-9229
The Astrophysical journal. Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 0004-637X
The Astrophysical journal. Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 0067-0049
The Australasian journal of dermatology Australasian College of Dermatologists [etc.] 0004-8380
The Australasian journal of optometry Institute of Optometrists of New South Wales 0817-881X
The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology Published for the Australian and New Zealand Councils of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Arthur Wilson Memorial Foundation 0004-8666
The Australian and New Zealand journal of sociology. Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand [etc.] 0004-8690
The Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 0004-8682
The Australian economic review / Institute of Applied Economic Research The Institute ; F.W. Cheshire Pub. [distributor 0004-9018
The Australian journal of anthropology. Anthropological Society of New South Wales 1035-8811
The Australian journal of education. Australian Council for Educational Research 0004-9441
5633 results for facility: Indiana University Auxiliary Library Facility - page 251 of 282