Search Results

4774 results for facility: University of Washington Auxiliary Stacks - page 170 of 239
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Polar geography. V.H. Winston and Son : Distributed by Bellwether Pub. 1088-937X
Policy and politics. Macmillan Journals 0305-5736
Policy studies : the journal of the Policy Studies Institute. The Institute 0144-2872
Polin. Basil Blackwell for the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies 0268-1056
Polish sociological review : quarterly of the Polish Sociological Association. Polish Sociological Association 1231-1413
Political analysis : an annual publication of the Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association. University of Michigan Press 1047-1987
Political methodology. Geron-X 0162-2021
Political research, organization and design : PROD A. de Grazia 1930-2665
Political studies. Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 0032-3217
Politics & policy. Georgia Southern University 1555-5623
Politics & society. Geron-X 0032-3292
Politics. Australasian Political Studies Association 0032-3268
Politikon. Political Science Association of South Africa 0258-9346
Politique : revue de la Société québécoise de science politique. La Société 0711-608X
Politique et sociétés. Société québécoise de science politique 1203-9438
Polymer bulletin. Springer 0170-0839
Polymer degradation and stability. Applied Science Publishers 0141-3910
Polymer photochemistry. Applied Science Publishers 0144-2880
Polymer process engineering. Marcel Dekker 0735-7931
Polymer testing. Applied Science Publishers 0142-9418
4774 results for facility: University of Washington Auxiliary Stacks - page 170 of 239