Search Results

347 results for facility: Schaffer Library (Union College) - page 6 of 18
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
European journal of physics : Institute of Physics 0143-0807
Evergreen review. Grove Press 0014-3758
Experimental mechanics. Springer, etc 0014-4851
Experimental stress analysis : proceedings of the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Addison-Wesley 0891-1991
Focus on Ukraine. Suc̆asnist 0178-2363
Folklorica. Slavic & East European Folklore Association 1920-0234
Fortnightly : the North American utilities business magazine. Public Utilities Reports, Inc. 1074-6099
Glasgow mathematical journal. Oliver and Boyd 0017-0895
Governmental finance. Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada 0091-4835
High energy nuclear physics. Dept. of Physics, University of Rochester 0193-3043
High energy nuclear physics; proceedings of the annual Rochester conference. Dept. of Physics, University of Rochester; distributed by Interscience Publishers 0193-3027
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences. Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles 0739-9863
Hispanic world report for ... Stanford University, Hispanic American Program
Howard law journal. Howard University School of Law 0018-6813
Hydrobiologia. W. Junk 0018-8158
I&EC product research and development. American Chemical Society 0536-1079
IEE proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers 0143-7046
IEE proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers 0956-375X
IEE proceedings. IEE 0956-3768
IEE proceedings. Institution of Electrical Engineers 0267-3932
347 results for facility: Schaffer Library (Union College) - page 6 of 18