Virginia forests.

  • Publisher:
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 1550153
  • Subject: Forests and forestry Virginia Periodicals.
  • Subject code: S
  • Publication history: Began with v.1 (1946); ceased with volume XX, no. 4 (winter 1965/1966).

Print Holdings

Archiving Institution Program Holdings Description Retention
HathiTrust (HATHI) HTDL v.1 no.5/6 1946; v.2/3 1947/48; v.4 no.1/3,5 1949; v.5 no.1/3,5/6 1950; v.6/8 1951/53; v.9 no.2/6 1954; v.10/12 1955/57; v.13 no.3-4 1958; v.17 no.4 v.18 no.1/2 1962/63; v.19 no.1,4 1964/65 permanent