Program: HathiTrust Digital Library
- Publisher:
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 33908158
- Validation: None
- Retention: permanent
- Institution: HathiTrust
- Facility:
- OCLC Symbol: HATHI
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
v.41(1951-1952); v.46(1956-1957); v.47(1957-1958); v.48(1958-1959); v.49(1959-1960); v.50(1960-1961); v.51(1961-1962); v.52(1962-1963); v.53(1963-1964); v.54(1964-1965); v.55(1965-1966); v.56(1966-1967); v.57(1967-1968); v.58(1968-1969); v.59(1969-1970); v.60(1970-1971); v.61(1971-1972); v.62(1972-1973); v.63(1973-1974); v.64(1974-1975); v.65(1975-1976); v.66(1976-1977); v.67(1977-1978); v.68(1978-1979)
committed to retain | 2021-01-06 | HTDL |