Program: HathiTrust Digital Library

  • Publisher:
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 191707409
  • Validation: None
  • Retention: permanent
  • Institution: HathiTrust
  • Facility:
  • OCLC Symbol: HATHI
  • Holdings Format: Print
Materials Archive Action Date of Action Program Status/Note
c.1 v.1 1880/81; c.1 v.3; c.1 v.4; c.1 v.8; c.1 v.9; c.1 v.10; c.1 v.28; c.1 v.29; c.1 v.30 1895; c.1 ser.2 v.7; c.1 ser.2 v.8; c.1 ser.5 v.1 1909; c.1 ser.6 v.2 1909; c.1 ser.7-8 v.1-2 1910; c.1 ser.9 v.1 1911; c.1 ser.9 v.2 1911; c.1 ser.10 v.1 1912; c.1 ser.11 v.1 1913; c.1 ser.11 v.2 1913; c.1 ser.12 v.1 1914; c.1 ser.12 v.2 1914; c.1 ser.13 v.1-2 1920; c.1 ser.14 v.1-2 1921; c.1 v.56 1937; c.1 v.57-58 1938-39; c.1 v.59-60 1940-41; c.1 v.64-66 1945-47; c.1 v.67-68 1948-49; c.1 v.69-70 1950-51; c.1 v.71-72 1952-53
committed to retain 2021-01-20 HTDL