Program: HathiTrust Digital Library
- Publisher:
- Print ISSN:
- Electronic ISSN:
- OCLC Number: 49888323
- Validation: None
- Retention: permanent
- Institution: HathiTrust
- Facility:
- OCLC Symbol: HATHI
- Holdings Format: Print
Materials | Archive Action | Date of Action | Program | Status/Note |
v.12 (1853); v.14 (1855); v.15 (1856); v.17 (1858); v.19 (1860); v.23 (1864); v.34 (1875); v.40 (1881); v.41 (1882); v.43 (1884); v.46 (1887); v.52 (1893)
committed to retain | 2021-01-20 | HTDL |