Program: HathiTrust Digital Library

  • Publisher: Pub. by the Board of Commissioners for the Second Geological Survey
  • Print ISSN:
  • Electronic ISSN:
  • OCLC Number: 40212441
  • Validation: None
  • Retention: permanent
  • Institution: HathiTrust
  • Facility:
  • OCLC Symbol: HATHI
  • Holdings Format: Print
Materials Archive Action Date of Action Program Status/Note
D3 v.1; P v.1-2; P4 v.1; T2; D3 v.2; P4 v.2; T3; P v.3; P4 v.3; T4; G5; G6; G7; RR PT. 2; H5; H6; H7; T; VV; X; c.1 T; AA; A2; AC; B; C; CC; CCC; C4; C5; C6; D; DD; E; F; F3; F3 atlas; B2; A; F2; GG; GGG; H; HH; HHH; HHHH; I; II; III; IIII; M3; I5; KK; KKK; L; MM; N; O; O2; O3; P atlas; PP; PPP; QQ; QQQ; QQQQ; R; M
committed to retain 2018-08-30 HTDL